Slum Housing Settlement
Tenants in a multi-family apartment complex in Los Angeles endured years of living with cockroaches, sewage leaks, rainwater and plumbing leaks, mold and other defects.
Slum Housing Settlement
Tenants in multiple apartments resided in slum conditions that included cockroaches, mold, plumbing leaks and rainwater intrusion. Several tenants with diabetes experienced further impacts to their health.
Lead Poisoning Settlement
A family with two little girls resided in a home with deteriorated lead based paint. The two sisters suffered from elevated blood lead levels ranging from 6.6 mcg/dl to 11.5 mcg/dl. Each child demonstrated neurocognitive deficits on neuropsychological testing that included attention deficits and other developmental delays.
Lead Poisoning / Slum Housing Settlement
A family of four with a lead poisoned child resided in slum housing that included deteriorated lead based paint, lack of heat, plumbing leaks and a severe cockroach infestation. The lead poisoned child had a blood lead level ranging from 2 mcg/dl to 12 mcg/dl with neurocognitive deficits that included a severe speech and language delay, attention deficits and behavioral issues.
Slum Housing Settlement
Tenants in multiple apartments resided in slum conditions that included cockroaches, rats, mold, plumbing leaks, lack of hot water, lack of heat and structural damage.
Slum Housing Settlement
Tenants in multiple apartments resided in slum conditions that included cockroaches, mold, plumbing leaks and lack of heat. A young child with Down Syndrome was especially impacted with multiple bacterial infections from the unhealthy conditions.
Slum Housing Settlement
Tenants in multiple apartments resided in slum conditions that included cockroaches, mold, plumbing leaks and rainwater intrusion.
Lead Poisoning Settlement
A young child diagnosed with a severe form of autism was lead-poisoned from deteriorated lead-based paint and lead dust found on the exterior and interior of the rental home. Plaintiffs’ experts concluded that the lead poisoning triggered the severe presentation of autism.
Slum Housing Settlement
Tenants in multiple apartments resided in slum conditions that included cockroaches, mold, plumbing leaks and rainwater intrusion.
Lead Poisoning / Slum Housing Settlement
A family resided in a rental home in slum conditions that included a deteriorated roof, lack of heat, rainwater leaks, mold, cockroach infestation, rat infestation and lead-based paint hazards. The youngest child suffered from a blood lead level of 5 mcg/dL and demonstrated developmental delays.
Unhealthy Rental Housing Verdict
A family residing in a rental home was exposed to lack of heat and a substantial mold contamination that caused sinus and respiratory health impacts to all family members. The mother of the family developed an Immune Complex Disorder triggered by the mold contamination in a water heater closet which caused a seizure and neurological damage. Link to Verdict.
Toxic Housing Settlement
A women lived for years in an apartment with HVAC ducts that were never inspected or cleaned. The ducts were decades old and full of asbestos, fiberglass, dust and debris. For years this tenant unknowingly suffered with horrible migraines and significant respiratory and gastrointestinal health impacts. Shakhnis Law put together a team of experts and marshalled the evidence to show that the corporate landlord recklessly violated asbestos cleanup regulations and industry practices related to maintaining, inspecting and replacing old fiberglass HVAC ducts.
Slum Housing Settlement
Tenants in three apartment units lived with lack of heat, cockroach infestation, plumbing leaks, mold, faulty plumbing and neglected common areas. Several tenants experienced an exacerbation of underlying health conditions from the daily stress of living in these unsafe and unhealthy conditions.
Wrongful Eviction / Lead Poisoning Settlement
A family was forced to move out of their rent-controlled apartment of many years after their young child was lead poisoned and the landlords refused to properly address the lead hazards. The child had an elevated blood lead level of 5 mcg/dL and demonstrated development delays.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Settlement
A women resided for years in an apartment with a defective wall heater that exposed her to chronic, low-level carbon monoxide. She developed memory loss, trouble concentrating, fatigue, chest pain and shortness of breath. Shakhnis Law put together a team of experts and marshalled the available evidence to show that the only logical explanation for this tenant’s neurological and cardiovascular health impacts came from the years of chronic carbon monoxide exposure.
Lead Poisoning / Slum Housing Settlement
A family resided in slum housing conditions that included deteriorated lead-based paint. The child developed delays that included attention deficits.
Lead Poisoning / Slum Housing Settlement
A family resided in slum housing conditions that included deteriorated lead-based paint. The child developed delays that included learning problems and attention deficits.
Housing Discrimination Settlement
An elderly and disabled woman was virtually trapped in her home for over four months as a result of an extended elevator shutdown. Her health was impacted from the inability to take regular walks in her neighborhood. She was forced to leave her home of 30 years due to the defendants’ refusal to treat the elevator shutdown as an emergency repair.
Unhealthy Housing Settlement
An extended family resided in an apartment in slum conditions that included a cockroach infestation, mold, plumbing leaks, lack of heat and deteriorating balcony.
Wrongful Eviction Settlement
Tenants in several apartments were fraudulently evicted on the basis of owner move-in and resident manager occupancy.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Settlement
A mother and son were exposed to low levels of carbon monoxide for over a year in their rental home. The property owner never undertook any preventative maintenance of the gas wall furnace. Ultimately, the furnace was shut down by the Gas Company for producing excessive carbon monoxide and not venting the exhaust fumes properly. The mother and son had a host of non-specific health issues including headaches, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, heart palpitations, memory and concentration problems, depression and anxiety. The case was especially challenging because the gas wall furnace was replaced before it could be tested and the family went to the emergency room too late to obtain and carboxyhemoglobin levels in their blood.
Wrongful Eviction Settlement
Tenants in two apartments were fraudulently evicted on the basis of owner move-in and resident manager occupancy.
Wrongful Eviction / Mold Exposure
A young couple was forced to move out of their rent-controlled apartment after experiencing significant allergies to the mold contamination that developed after the landlord for years failed to address rainwater intrusion.